2019 CPA Application (.pdf)
The Smithfield Police Department is now accepting applications for enrollment into the CITIZENS’ POLICE ACADEMY 2019, which consists of an eight week law enforcement program. Participants will meet on Thursday evenings, 6:00 – 8:30 p.m., in the Sgt. Norman G. Vezina Community and Training room, at the Smithfield Police Department.
The Citizens’ Police Academy will start Thursday, October 3, 2019. Each week, a different law enforcement topic will be presented, with classroom and hands-on instruction by police officers. This academy is offered free of charge to Smithfield residents or any person who works at a Smithfield business. Seating is limited and will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Applications are available at the Smithfield Police Department or online at our website smithfieldpd.com/community-police/citizens-police-academy/.
If you have any questions, please contact Operations Sergeant Kevin Proulx of the Community Policing Unit via email at kproulx@smithfieldpd.com. He can also be reached by phone at (401) 231-2500, (ext. 145).
Completed applications should be returned to the Smithfield Police Department no later than Friday, September 20, 2019.
2019 CPA Application (.pdf)
The Citizens’Police Academy (CPA) is an eight-week program designed to provide participants with an insight into police operations. While attending the CPA, participants will be introduced to a wide variety of department functions. Participants will become familiar with the actual role of the police, and police officers will benefit from the wealth of knowledge that citizens can provide about the community.
The CPA is not intended to make citizens into police officers, it is developed to encourage citizens to learn more about their police department. Learn first-hand about the role of police officers and the operations of the department. The academy is presented in eight, two hour sessions, offering some of the following, or similar, topics.
Participants also have the opportunity to ride-a-long with an officer on patrol. Instructors are officers and personnel from the department who are experts in their fields. The classroom atmosphere is positive and highly interactive. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and discuss topics of interest with instructors.
Who can participate?
To attend the Community Police Academy, you must he 18 years of age. pass a basic background check, resident of Smithfield, or an employee of a Smithfield town business. There is no cost to register.
Want to know more?
If you have any questions, please contact Operations Sergeant Kevin Proulx of the Community Policing Unit via email at kproulx@smithfieldpd.com. He can also be reached by phone at (401) 231-2500, (ext. 145).
Other Questions?
For general questions regarding any of our other community programs at the Smithfield Police Department check out the specific webpage dedicated to that program or contact us by phone at (401) 231-2500, ext.202 or via email at events@smithfieldpd.com.
Don’t forget to check us out on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/smithfieldpolice.