Website Information
Built with the WordPress content management system (CMS), this website has a responsive design for all screen resolution sizes – the screen should render properly on all devices, smart phones, ipads, tablet computers and all computer displays.
This site works best with Internet Explorer 8 and above (released in 2009) and with all modern web browsers including Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Android and iOS.
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Please contact the webmaster at with any issues regarding this website.
Website Disclaimer
The Town of Smithfield, the Smithfield Police Department and its employees maintain this website as a public service to provide basic information about the police department. Information contained on this website is provided from various sources. The town and the police department do not make any representation as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability or suitability of the information and expressly disclaim liability for errors and omissions in its contents.
The Town of Smithfield and the Smithfield Police Department do not make any warranty, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of non-infringement of third party rights, title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and freedom from computer virus, with respect to this website. Viewers should not act upon any information provided on this website without first verifying its accuracy with the appropriate department.
This website contains links to various community, regional, news and governmental organizations for the convenience of its users and does not guarantee the accuracy, quality, completeness, or reliability of information contained on these sites and does not assume any liability for any misrepresentation that may occur on these external sites. The Town of Smithfield and the Smithfield Police Department do not endorse any products or opinions that may be associated with external websites.
Communication made through the e-mail or messaging system of this website shall in no way constitute “legal notice” to the Town of Smithfield, the Smithfield Police Department, its employees, agents, officers, or representatives where such notice is required by law.
Unless a copyright is indicated, information on the Smithfield Police Department website is in the public domain and may be reproduced, published, or otherwise used with the permission of the Smithfield Police Department. The Smithfield Police Department requests that when information is used from our web site, the police department is cited as the source of the information and that any photo credits, graphics or byline are similarly credited to the photographer, author or Smithfield Police Department, as appropriate.
Your privacy is important to us and at this site we will attempt to protect it to the maximum extent possible. The Town of Smithfield will obtain only the information you provide when you visit this site. The use and dissemination by the Town of any information you provide is subject to the Rhode Island Public Records Law, the Rhode Island Fair Information Practices Act, and laws relating to the confidentiality of tax, wage reporting, and child support information. As a user of this website you need to be cognizant that with certain exceptions, emails and letters to Town officials and departments are public documentations and subject to the Public Records Law.